With all the data that Pornhub has presented this year, its tough to just pick one set of statistics and just run with that. Think of any minute in your life and besides that minute back in high school where you actually got a fresh roll before they turned cold and rock hard, it's a pretty effective and efficient minute. That minute sees user statistics of 13,962 profile views, 593 follows, 167 friend requests accepted, 122 messages sent, 271 videos rates, 528 videos added to playlists and 22 new comments left. That minute sees 7708 Gigabytes of data transferred worldwide. That minute sees 12 new videos and two hours of content uploaded. While it is mildly interesting to learn that yes, searches for 'Stormy Daniels' increased every time she was in the news this year (curiosity is a salve for most modern pains of news-related intelligence gathering), it is equally if not more interesting to learn of the overwhelming per minute numbers that support all this porn.Įvery minute sees 63,992 new visitors to the site, watching 207,405 videos through 57,750 searches. That is to say, the analytics are frequent and of varying levels of interest, depending on how high on porn data you are.

Every year, and every time some new video game is hot, Pornhub pulls out the acoustic guitar, sits down on the staircase and while making direct eye contact with us, sings "What if God Was One of Us" while stopping to check to make sure it has the chords right every other verse.